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The effect of air shower room needs to be measured regularly.


Regular use of instruments to measure various technical indicators of the air shower room. If it does not meet the requirements of technical parameters, it should be handled in time. Change the main air filter regularly according to the actual use. When it is found that the wind speed becomes smaller, first check whether the surface of the air filter is black. If it is black, it means that the pre-filter has more dust and the resistance increases, that is, the main air filter should be replaced.

When replacing primary air filter in air conditioning room, the wind speed can not increase, which indicates that the high efficiency air filter is blocked and the resistance increases. High efficiency air filters should be replaced. When replacing the HEPA filter, the nozzle plate must be removed, the HEPA filter must be removed, and the new HEPA filter must be replaced according to the specifications of the original HEPA filter. When installing, the arrow mark on the high efficiency filter should be confirmed, and the arrow should point to the direction of airflow. And ensure good sealing to prevent leakage.

After replacing the high efficiency filter, it is necessary to confirm that there is no leakage in the framework, and use the dust particle counter to detect, and then achieve the technical specifications before normal operation. The air shower room keeps the door regularly so that the electronic lock is aligned with its lock hole to prevent the lock pin from getting stuck. Repair and repair circuit regularly. If there are any faults, please refer to the electrical schematic diagram for maintenance. The temperature of the equipment shall not exceed 50 degrees C. Open fire is strictly prohibited.

The air shower room is the necessary access for people to enter the clean room. It can reduce the pollution problems caused by entering and leaving the clean room, and reduce a large number of dust particles in and out of people. Install a fully functional "air lock" from the entrance of the clean room. Room can reduce the amount of air pollution particles. When the cargo passes through the air shower chamber, the contaminated particles are ejected by highly clean and high purity air. The high wind speed above 25m/s ensures effective spraying and floating particles. Basically, efficient two-stage filters are used to filter out. In order to keep the air shower room safe and clean

Enter the clean room, remove the outer dressing room coat, take off the watch, mobile phone, accessories and other items. Enter the internal dressing room and put on clean clothes, hats, masks and gloves. When the stainless steel air shower door is pulled into the air shower room, the air shower door will automatically close the outside door, and the infrared sensor will automatically start and blow for 15 seconds.

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